Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pictures the most expensive material price in the world! اغلى المعادن حول العالم

Maybe you think that gold and diamonds of the most valuable things on the ground and one of the things that people seek expensive to get them. But you would be mistaken if I thought that these natural resources are the only existing in our world. There is another, more valuable materials are used in many fields such as medicine, and other decorations.

Offer you 11 valuable material and precious in the world:

11. Gold
Featuring gold in the ancient period of history the great importance in the jewelry industry, and is a good electrical conductor which is resistant to corrosion. Gold is also used in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

10. Rhodium
Rhodium chemical element, is shown in this image cube-shaped, one of the most precious metals because of the high cost of extraction. Plays an important role in reducing carbon emissions from cars.
9. Platinum
So-called "white gold" name as it precious metal color gray to white diagonal is stronger than steel and has a flexible metal gold. It is also used in the pharmaceutical composition of a strong antidote for cancer.

8. methamphetamine
Is a drug in the amphetamine group that affect the central nervous system and include Kalvin drugs and nicotine. Of methamphetamine and other names, is known as the "Balm it" and "The Karnak" and "Bad" He also has other combinations in the form of pills Captain.
7. rhinoceros horn
Is used in the manufacture of precious sculptures in a famous traditional Chinese medicine.
6. plutonium
Is very heavy and high-density metal, more than lead by almost 1.74 times, using his energy to manufacture nuclear bombs and is used in the production of energy in some nuclear reactors.
5. Taft
Is one of the rare gems more than a million times Diamonds, discovered in

Sri Lanka

features in pink to purple italics.
4. tritium
Is a radioactive element used in the extraction of atomic energy integration, and is used for lighting in public places. It is estimated that there are more than two million "exit" sign is illuminated in the United States.
3. diamonds
It is known for diamonds that is used in the heavy industry of the Rings. Also used in the manufacture of some hacking tools.
2. Data
It is called the Red Diamonds name is one of the types of rare gems presence in the world was discovered in Myanmar.
1. californium
Unique source of between 2,000 radioisotopes, sending him neutrons high quantities of up to 2 trillion neutrons per second per gram only one.

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