Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Inspirational figures made their way from poverty to wealth in your life شخصيات من الفقر الى الغنى سبحان الرزاق

Those VIPs who will review them did not even have the price of the fruit in the beginning, but they persevered and climbed peace step by step to reach the top.

1_henry Ford:

From poverty to affluence
Was a simple farm boy and was able to bring a picture in the transportation industry in America.Was fond of mechanics from an early age, he was able at the age of 15 gave him a pocket watch to dismantle it with his father and re-installed again. That was the beginning of the work as a trainee in mechanics. Then he began his personal experiences on gasoline engines Thus began the great empire of Ford. Forbes magazine has estimated his fortune in 2008 at $ 188 billion dollars!
2_ Walt Disney .
From poverty to affluence
The look bleak childhood and very boring without the genius of this man. Walt was also the patience of the poor grew up on a farm and used to draw pictures of his neighbors and the people of his hometown for money. It also used to be a painter Ricard school newspaper. He headed in the recess of looking for work, but no one ,, rented, but continued to research and with the help of his brother entered the world of advertising and then the animation where fired the imagination of unleashed and innovations that came to the name of Walt Disney's famous and turned his life from dengue and poverty to affluence.


From poverty to affluence
Grew up in a Jewish family strict, but he has high ambitions. Began selling small associations and relationships to his teammates to earn cash, said at the annual book to his school that he wanted to become a millionaire. He made his way in the fashion world, even signed a fashion film (The Great Gatsby) in 1974 and entered the hall of fame of the wider doors., And became one of the leading figures in the fashion world.

4_ Steve Jobs :

From poverty to affluence
Become familiar all have this name Jobs is the founder of Apple . We checked up for adoption by his parents biologists, and became fond of electronics after to see him and his adoptive father technical equipment Birth own. He had to abandon his studies because it cost his father a lot of money. He used to return empty cola bottles for money, and live free meals distributed at the Hare Krishna temple. And included in the functions and then quickly from a technical officer to become chief executive of Apple.

5_Richard Bronson:

From poverty to affluence
Branson badly shift from an infected child syndrome, dyslexia and of his performance in school-to-pole British trade a fortune estimated at $ 4.6 billion. His work seemed small crypt inside the church and now is the fourth richest of the United Kingdom, and has become a fleet of companies and airlines and telecommunications.

6_Jan Paul DE Gurria:

From poverty to affluence
Italian immigrant father and a Greek immigrant and his mother, staring sell newspapers, which in the age of nine to help support his family. He lived in a care home and joined street gangs .. moved between many of the business and began work on a loan of $ 700. And founded the Paul Mitchell line of hair products. And sought to acquire 70% of the beverage company's share Barton Spirit, the luxury brand of tequila.

7_opera Winfrey

From poverty to affluence
Not born in her mouth and a spoonful of gold. Her mother was serving domestic worker and her father a coal mine. She wore dresses made of  bags harassed by her relatives. And in spite of all these circumstances have entered the world of the media after receiving a job news reader a local radio station. Then I got my first talk show in Chicago and took its name in brightness day after day until I became one of the greatest opera media personalities which  name of millions.

8_join Kathleen Rowling:

From poverty to affluence
I was born in an English family  many of depression and suicidal tendencies and poverty to become one of the most popular British writers in the world. After the issuance of the Harry Potter series huge favorite of millions in the world, where he wove from her life and the lives of those around them imaginary stories inspiring and Harry Potter movies has become one of the largest chains in the world. Despite its humble beginning she made her way to becoming one of the most influential women in the United Kingdom.

9: John Diamond:

From poverty to affluence
Boy grew up in Queens, he entered the business world and even CEO of FUBU clothing _Mark Luxury became marked by leadership and leadership since school days and used to sell hats, a small half-price existing in the market. The mortgage their house to expand its business and was bet God..oho now one of the most influential speakers in America.

10_Cris Gardner:

From poverty to affluence
This man is an inspiring Will Smith for his film _say behind  suffered physical abuse by his stepfather as a child and moved to a care home. And the suffering did not stray from the Gardner broke out and even when he married and became of homelessness when he was trying to raising his son ,, but follow the lesson he learned from his mother  that built himself and struggled until the chief executive of his company became the Private Securities area and Gardner Rich Associates.Not a defect in the suffering experienced by these characters since childhood and even got him ,, but per sever ance  and confidence and hard work led them to become inspirational figures for millions and millions.

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