Wednesday, February 18, 2015

10 strange facts about the number 13!

Vabby completed affiliation with the Jewish faith after the age of 13.

2-phobia number 13 is known as Dictrovobaa Latin: Triskaidekaphobia

Isadore was Korat Isador Coriat _tabab American Psycho _ol used the term in his writings about the psychological unusual condition.

3-suffered from this phobia famous people such as:

Napoleon and Christopher Columbus and Churchill.
Where Churchill refuses to sit in row 13 of the plane or the theater.

4_ the number of female:

Which is equivalent to the total monthly sessions for women during the year. While in China, when a woman offering moon cakes _hloy Chinah_tsna 13 cake as an implicit fertility and strongly linked to the moon.
5. American flag by a line 13 to honor the first 13 colonies.
6-gallows (penalty) usually do 13 knots.
7-kart No. 13 in the Tarot card is death.
Skeleton shown riding a horse and carrying a black flag.
8-Figure 13 shows the luck in Italy!
9. Some of the texts indicate that Judas Iscariot is the person who sits No. 13 during the Last Supper.
10-US 13 Colgate College is a number luck!
Where was founded in 1819 by 13 men and 13 dollars and 13 cleric. Entitled 13 Oak Drive Oak Drive. And the Council of the College of honor composed of 13 men and 13 women.

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