Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Terrifying characters immortalized history تعرف على اكثر الشخصيات المرعبة عبر التاريخ

. Even though this image is technically not Photoshopped, it is, in fact, a hoax. Though it's still pretty impressive they managed to fool people in such a manner in 1937.

. This is the image of the mummified heart of Auguste Delagrange after it was pierced with a stake. Delagrange was a purported vampire and was accused of killing around 40 people. He was killed in 1912.

The Most Interesting Pictures On The Internet اكثر الصور التي أثارت العالم على الانترنت

. The island where everyone wears a gas mask.

. Iranian women during the Shah's White Revolution.

The Shah's White Revolution was a push towards westernization in the 1960s, which was ultimately undone by the Iranian Revolution.