Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Terrifying characters immortalized history تعرف على اكثر الشخصيات المرعبة عبر التاريخ

. Even though this image is technically not Photoshopped, it is, in fact, a hoax. Though it's still pretty impressive they managed to fool people in such a manner in 1937.

. This is the image of the mummified heart of Auguste Delagrange after it was pierced with a stake. Delagrange was a purported vampire and was accused of killing around 40 people. He was killed in 1912.

. I am not entirely sure what's happening in this image with a really creepy ventriloquist doll.

. A Russian spy smiling right before getting executed in Finland, 1942.

 This is allegedly the mummified head of the first nun ever recorded to be possessed.

 What a union soldier looked like after surviving the Andersonville Prison Camp.

 The body of a Hiroshima survivor 

Horatio Gordon Robley with his collection of preserved Maori tattooed heads, also known as Mokomokai.

 Loana the Bloodthirster who is believed to have died by drinking her own blood.

 The Mad Bomber's creepy smile

He planted 33 bombs in total in public spaces and 22 of those detonated. Shockingly only 15 people were injured. 

 These artifacts and remains were found in an ancient city in Germany called Herxheim. The city dates back to 7,000 years ago and the human remnants found show clear signs of flesh-stripping, which is a preparation for cannibalism.

 The very last picture of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters taken by serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades. 

He had cut off her hair and made her wear a black dress and heels before killing her in his torture chamber in an 18-wheeler.

 The body of a frozen Soviet soldier is propped up by Finnish fighters in order to scare off Soviet troops.

 The leg of 92-year-old John Bentley is found among ashes. He allegedly died from the phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion. The fire was confined to the bathroom and made a hole in the floor.

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