Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Most Interesting Pictures On The Internet اكثر الصور التي أثارت العالم على الانترنت

. The island where everyone wears a gas mask.

. Iranian women during the Shah's White Revolution.

The Shah's White Revolution was a push towards westernization in the 1960s, which was ultimately undone by the Iranian Revolution. 

. A butterfly with the number 89 on its wing.

. A paper USB. 

. This truly innovative Asian version of Pringles.

. This brilliant invention. 

. This startling divide. 

. This meeting of legends.

. This stunning photo of village life in Transylvania. 

. This indestructible vehicle.

. This house that uses no eaves troughs. 

. This odd but beautiful discovery.

. Young Gandhi. 

. This progressive alternative to a fire escape. 

. This high school is doing it right.  

. This beautiful union. 

. This "American" selection of snacks at a British grocery store.

. This grocery store that values your health. 

. This monk staying with a man who passed away in a train station.

. Jan Rose Kasmir placing a flower in a guardsman's bayonet. 

. The floating market in Bangkok. 

. Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer. 

. The evolution of English over the past 1000 years. 

. And finally, what fog looks like from above. 

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