Wednesday, February 18, 2015

10 tallest dams in the world

1. dam Shirky, Russia:

This dam will be the longest bridge in this article with a length of 232.5 meters and though it is the longest bridge in Russia has been built at the rugged land on Soulac River (Sulak River) In fact, the cliffs surrounding the area located by the dam which has a lot of explosions during construction where was the destruction of more than 65,000 cubic meters of rock
The dam generates nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity and is a popular destination for many tourists
The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 2

2. Aertan Dam, China:

Is not considered a dam Aertan just foreign investment with the Chinese government, but does a lot of processes and tasks that you need China Vtoulh of 240 meters and was built 10 years ago between 1991 and 2000, setting a record in terms of faster build bridge in the world has 47 countries took part for the success of building Such is the dam generates approximately 3.5 megawatts annually

The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 3

3. Sayano Shushenskaya dam, Russia:

Also called gravitational arc and a length of 246 meters, and has his residence so that resist earthquakes up to 8 Richter Since its completion in 1978, the dam subjected to four terrifying incidents in which the dam subjected to pressure a very large load during flood the Lord's in 2009, where water overflowed to the point where it flooded the turbine room and occurred Several explosions inside the dam because of it, which led to the entire argument turbines damage and died during this incident, more than 74 people
The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 4
Then came another disaster resulted in the deposition of a large amount of oil in the waters of the river to stop the dam evacuated from work for almost a year, and in spite of the dam stood up and running yet and survived about a quarter of the electricity needs of Russia

4. Derniar Dam, Turkey:

Has been built this dam to the tame one of the fiercest rivers around the world, the Kura River(Coruh) where lies astride one of the strongest currents in the world, however, managed a team of engineers to build one of the tallest dams it and because the horseshoe-shaped taken by Kazm dams will not work efficiently with this illustrious river was built in reliance on duplication curves components are stronger than the strongest squad in the nature of a dome
The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 5
And his successor held the dam about 500 billion gallons of water stored and bear tremendous pressure posed by violent currents of the river traffic, but the river is not the only challenge for the plug, but he must face a series of strong earthquakes that hit this region and the height of the dam249 meters

5. Xioa Dam, China:

Located on the Great Yellow River and is the dam of Xioa part of a plan to reform the soil erosion and generate electricity and knows the great yellow in the name of the mother river of China's river, but it suffers the case of the most serious cases of soil erosion around the world where the shift 1.6 million tons of natural silt to sand in one year has been built Dam step to solve the problem and a length of 250 meters and is a longer and more productive Chinese dams for electricity
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6. Dam Mofoazin, Switzerland:

At the time when the dam a disaster if he fails to perform its mission has existed dam Mofoazin to avoid them where they were building this dam to be avoiding ice Ice is a natural barriers so that makes the lake vulnerable to explosion flood time in 1818 when Achtergueth water drowned valley in disaster leaving 40 deaths have been building the dam in 1950 to protect the dam from natural disasters and Aoukm generate electricity and Tbulg a height of 50 meters and is located in the very beauty and magnificence surrounding its natural environment, a natural source of tourism in Switzerland
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7. Vajohnt, Italy Dam:

Although there was Vajohnt reached an altitude of stunning (262 meters), but it unfortunately is months disaster only occurred in Italy has been building this rise towering under Monte Tok Italy is considered one of the most mountains unstable in the world, however, we find that the dam is his work so far
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8. Inguri Dam, Georgia:

Is a dam brackets normal used in the production of electricity for the states of Georgia and Abkhazia and this large bloc is the second largest dam in the Declaration and a length of 272 meters was built began in 1960 and ended in 1987, has been involved in building the European Union and the government of Georgia, Japan, supplying Georgia with 46% of the the need for electricity
The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 9

9. Grand Dam Dickens, Switzerland:

Is one of the tallest dams in the world and a weight of 15 million tons, so be heavier than the Great Pyramid, up 285 meters, and was built from 6 million cubic meters of concrete, enough to be building a high wall around the equator and a width of 200 meters
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10. Xsewan Dam, China:

This is the longest bridge in the world with a length of 292 meters to where it is shorter than the Eiffel Tower by 32 meters has been built on the Chinese Ansanj River, a great wealth for China as it is the source of hydroelectric power the amount of 19 billion kilowatts per year have been built took 11 years from 1999 to 2000, has cost $ 3.9 billion and a total area of ​​137 599 hectares of the dam to be built and has been the displacement of about 30,000 people to other places in order to avoid the flood
The longest dams around the world, Educate yourself 11

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