Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The world is full of beauty. These people were lucky enough to be able to capture that beauty and hold on to it for the rest of eternity. 
These pictures look too breathtaking to be real, and yet they are. All through finding these photos, I found myself saying "come on!" because I could not believe the stunning surreal beauty that was before me. 
Get ready to be blown away by just how magical our world can be... 

1. That color...

2. Is this a dream?

3. "Valle de la Luna"

4. Volcanoes made this beauty 

5. Is Avalon hidden behind that mist?

6. Nope...wait...here it is...

7. The forgotten road

8. The "Antelope Canyon"

9. It looks like it should be part of a fantasy novel

10. Breathtaking

11. Mesmerizing 

12. Are there any elves around?

13. What secrets lie below the fog?

14. Unreal

15. Jaw-dropping color

16. The beauty of Iceland

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